From crafting holiday cards to watching movies, residents can enjoy three upcoming holiday-themed events at the Lewisville Public Library.

Cozy Card Factory

Here, guests can use the library's supplies to create greeting cards for the holidays, birthdays, milestones, or just to let their loved ones know how they feel. The come-and-go event is open to all ages, no tickets or registration required.Movie Screening: A Christmas Carol

Guests can join the library staff for a screening of "A Christmas Carol" from 1951, an adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel of the same name. It stars Alastair Sim as Scrooge, a cold-hearted, miserly businessman who is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve to show him the error of his ways. Light refreshments will be provided and the event is open to adults only.

Teen After-Hours Craft Night & Wrapping Party

Teens aged 13-18 can take over the Library after closing and make gifts for this holiday season. All supplies are provided, and holiday gift wrap will be available too. Registration and signed permission form required for this event. Permission forms are available at the Youth Services Desk or online.