Some schedule changes have been announced for Dallas Area Rapid Transit's services for Thanksgiving Day on Nov. 23.

What you need to know

DART’s buses, light rail trains and street car services will operate on a weekend schedule Nov. 23-Nov. 24, according to a news release.

The Trinity Railway Express, which connects Dallas to Fort Worth, will not operate on Nov. 23. The line will provide weekend service on Nov. 24.

All GoLink zones except the IPTMA zone will operate from 5 a.m.-midnight Nov. 23. The same zones will operate from 5 a.m.-midnight Nov. 24.

The IPTMA zone will not operate Nov. 23 but will operate from 4 a.m.-8 p.m. Nov. 24, according to the news release.

What else

The Paratransit call center will be closed Nov. 23-26. Customers hoping to schedule trips by phone for any of those days will need to call by Nov. 22. Customers can also schedule trips at

The Customer Information Center will be closed Nov. 23 but will be open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 24. Administrative offices, the Customer Care Center, and Lost and Found will be closed Nov. 23 and Nov. 24.

For more information about service changes, go to, or call 214-979-1111.