1. Skillman Street resurfacing
Construction on Skillman Street includes resurfacing the road and addressing surface drainage issues between Northwest Highway/Loop 12 and Abrams Road.
Timeline: March 14-June
Cost: $1.73 million
Funding sources: city of Dallas, Dallas County
2. Street improvements for Valley View Lane and Walnut Street
The intersection improvements on Valley View Lane and Walnut Street between I-635 and Forest Ridge Drive will include new traffic signals with crosswalks, pedestrian push buttons and Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps.
Timeline: September 2020-late June 2022
Cost: $1.23 million
Funding sources: 2017 bond program and Texas Department of Transportation
3. Westfield Drive wastewater line
The city of Dallas is installing an 8-inch wastewater line on Westfield Drive from Gladwood Lane to Clearwater Drive.
Timeline: April-February
Cost: $562,750
Funding source: 2017 bond program
4. Phoenix Drive improvements
Paving and draining improvements are planned on Phoenix Drive from Fair Oaks Avenue to Holly Hill Drive. Atmos is working to locate the gas pipes to remove the conflicts on Phoenix. That work is estimated to take two weeks.
Timeline: April 2021-April 2023
Cost: $1.56 million
Funding source: 2012 bond program
5. Ridgecrest Road pavement reinforcement
This project, which is occurring on Ridgecrest Road from Holly Hill Drive to the Sopac Trail east of Eastridge Drive, includes improving the existing asphalt street with reinforced concrete pavement and improving drainage and the sidewalk.
Timeline: February 2023-November 2024
Cost: $1.53 million
Funding source: 2017 bond program ongoing projects