David Noguera and Julia Ryan are planning to resign this month from their positions as directors of Dallas’ departments of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization and Planning and Urban Design, respectively.

Ryan’s last day with the city will be Sept. 20, and Noguera’s last day will be Sept. 22, according to a Sept. 8 memo from City Manager T.C. Broadnax.

Career history

Ryan has worked for about a year and a half in her current role and about two and a half years with the city. She joined the city in May 2021 as assistant director of the planning and urban design department before being named director in January 2022.

In his memo, Broadnax noted several initiatives that were completed under Ryan’s leadership, including the adoption of the Hensley Field Master Plan and the West Oak Cliff Area Plan. Ryan also secured funding for an overhaul of the city’s “outdated” development code, according to the memo.

Noguera joined the city as director of the housing and neighborhood revitalization department in 2017. During his tenure, he designed programs, financial incentives, and processes to develop and preserve mixed-income housing, according to the memo. During his tenure, the city has generated new revenues and a pipeline of 19,749 housing units through the Dallas Housing Finance Corp., the Dallas Public Facility Corp., the Dallas Housing Acquisition and Development Corp., and the Mixed Income Housing Development Bonus Program.

“I want to thank both Julia and Davíd for their service to Dallas,” Broadnax said in a statement. “They have played an integral role in advancing critical projects and initiatives during their tenures. They will be missed, but we wish them the best.”

Stay tuned

Broadnax has not named interim directors for the housing and planning departments but said he plans to do so soon.