Individuals looking to provide input on the revisions to loading and off-street parking requirements in Dallas will have the opportunity to do so at two upcoming listening sessions.

Two-minute impact

Both listening sessions will be held virtually with the first taking place at noon Aug. 4. The second is scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug. 10.

According to a city news release, an initial review of both the off-street parking and loading codes began in 2019 but was paused in 2021 because of the pandemic. Part of the focus of the review is making Dallas more walkable, the news release states.

The following areas will be reviewed as part of the study, per the news release:
  • Encouraging alternate modes of transportation
  • More efficient land usage
  • Amendments pertaining to new minimum parking requirements
  • Creating a transportation demand management program
  • Shaping parking guidelines to not create barriers to walkability in the city
Individuals with any comments or questions can contact Dallas Senior Planner Michael Wade by email.