As part of the Community Choices Summits series from the city of Fort Worth, residents can not only learn about several initiatives part of the city’s 2050 comprehensive plan, but also provide valuable input to help pave the way to Fort Worth’s future.

The details

According to a city news release, the North Fort Worth summit meeting will be Oct. 9 from 6-8 p.m. at Basswood Elementary School, located at 3100 Clay Mountain Trail. The meeting format will be as follows:
  • 6 p.m. - Open house where attendees can provide input on a variety of planning efforts including:
  • 6:30 p.m. - Facilitated tabletop activities where attendees can provide input on the 2050 Comprehensive Plan.
Zooming out

A city news release states there are five phases involved in the city’s 2050 comprehensive plan. They include:
  • Phase 1: Preparation (complete) - Preparing the foundation for the planning process
  • Phase 2: Big Ideas & Vision (current) - Working with the community to establish actionable ideas as part of the city’s vision for the future and to help guide policy development
  • Phase 3: Goals, Objectives, & Policy Framework (upcoming) - Translate ideas and vision into strategic priorities, goals, and measurable objectives
  • Phase 4: Implementing Strategies & Action Plans (upcoming) - Working with policy-makers and the community to develop and review specific policies and actions intended to implement the vision, goals, objectives, and policy framework
  • Phase 5: Principal Plan Component Development & Review (upcoming) - Analyze and review the draft 2050 comprehensive plan framework and its components, along with tracking and documenting community input
The news release states that once the five phases are complete, these components of the 2050 comprehensive plan can be adopted and will provide the foundation for staff to draft the remaining sections of the plan.