In a nutshell
May is National Bike Month, a celebration of biking as transportation, recreation and an essential part of well-being, according to a news release. In 2021, the League of American Bicyclists launched National Ride a Bike Day which has expanded to include:
- Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day
- Bike to Work Day
- Bike to Work Week
The news release states that if biking the entire trip to work is simply not an option, other ways to incorporating cycling into one’s commute include:
- Biking a portion of the way, then commuting the rest of the way through public transit
- Coordinating with coworkers to carpool to a parking lot, then bike to the office
- Use a bike to grab lunch or to run quick errands
- Use an electric bicycle for routes that are more physically demanding
- Installing bike signal technology along bike lanes of East Fourth Street/First Street
- Fort Worth bike sharing offering free first Friday bike rentals in 2024
Fort Worth is not the only city trying to get more people on two wheels. The North Central Texas Council of Governments, which serves municipalities in the 16-county region of North Central Texas, is on pace to complete a 66-mile bike trail that connects downtown Fort Worth to downtown Dallas.
According to NCTCOG, the Texas Discovery Trail winds its way through Fort Worth, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Irving and Dallas and is slated for completion in 2026.