Beckie Paquin
I have successfully served one term on Keller City Council, am a graduate of the Keller Citizens Academy, and have been instrumental in policy making over the past three years.
I have over 14 years of experience as an educator and campus administrator. I currently work as an educational coach with public schools throughout Texas and the country. I am proud of the work I am doing to help teachers and administrators take their teaching/leading to the next level.
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for office?
BP: I am running for re-election and am proud of the accomplishments we have made as a city these past three years. I have worked diligently to listen and take action on matters that are at the forefront of the citizens' minds. I believe there is more to be done and that I am the right person to work with all the residents in Keller. I believe in collaboration, transparency and honesty, all of which are vital to getting the job done!
What are the biggest challenges facing the residents of Keller?
BP: In the coming years, I see redevelopment as one of the top priorities for Keller. As some areas age, it is crucial that we collaborate with citizens, commissions and city staff to hone the vision for Keller and be persistent and patient in ensuring it comes to fruition. I also believe we have opportunities to promote family-friendly projects, such as the Keller Sports park and the expansion of parks and trails.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
BP: In my next term, I will continue to focus on tax mitigation, responsible development and maintaining the park system. During my term, I was instrumental in the Keller Beyond the Mask campaign to assist local businesses during the COVID[-19] shutdowns. We have an amazing opportunity with Old Town Keller to bring additional unique shops, services and restaurants to our area while supporting what we already have. In addition, I pushed for council to engage with city staff and residents through a council retreat. It was during this session that the council came together to develop our top priorities.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like Keller City Council to explore?
BP: During my term, I collaborated with fellow council members to start the Keller mentoring program. I plan to continue to promote volunteerism and assist in getting that program off the ground. Additionally, I want to explore solutions for beautifying roadways within our city, especially on northern 377 and Keller Parkway. Finally, I want to explore a youth council and build a bridge between the youth and seniors in our city. I see many synergies there and ways that both groups could have increased programs and input.
Tag Green
Innovative leader in multiple industries, former Keller Place 6 City Council [member], precinct chairman, Senate and state delegate, church deacon, father, grandfather
Entrepreneur, business owner, real estate broker, investor
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for office?
TG: A democratic republic is at its best when the people's voices are heard. Plain and simple. I still believe the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. City Council is the first line of government and the closest to the people. Council members' actions should most closely reflect the desires and needs of our community. For almost four years as a council [member], I listened to Keller residents. I spoke with thousands at their door and thousands more by telephone and email. I considered their input [and] responded to each and every one.
What are the biggest challenges facing the residents of Keller?
TG: We have some challenges, some significant, some very common. But my experience has taught me there is nothing we cannot solve if we have an ear for our community and allow disagreement to reveal the best each has to offer instead of make enemies out of us. We have precious little vacant land remaining, and it is paramount we listen first, seek to understand, then work for the right plan rather than my plan or your plan.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
TG: 1. Establish a new method to provide our residents easier and better access to me and the City Council. 2. Continue to meet with our state representatives, senators, school board trustees, county judge, district attorney and others to assure Keller's family values and objectives are known and upheld. 3. Spark a new commitment in City Council for communication, cooperation and collaboration.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like Keller City Council to explore?
TG: Keller has always been a family-centered community. The research done for updating our city's master plan revealed it. Embracing this is what has set us apart as the best place to live. Like many reading this, Tami and I looked for over two years to find a home in Keller. Keller schools were a big reason. We can't take quality education for granted any longer. Keller City Council needs to begin a regular symposium with KISD. Keller parents and families need to be confident we are helping magnify their voices. No school district can survive without a healthy partnership with the community.