The establishment of a Crime Control and Prevention District, as well as several charter amendments, will be on the ballot for the Roanoke special election on May 7.

Propositions D and E on the ballot allow residents to vote to establish a Crime Control and Prevention District, and to terminate part of the economic development department to do so, according to the city’s website.

Currently, the city’s economic development corporations are divided into two types, A and B. Proposition D states that economic development corporation Type B will be dissolved to allow for the 0.5% sales tax to fund the Crime Control Prevention District. Proposition E would allow for the establishment of the district. Residents must vote yes to both propositions to approve the new district.

The city’s economic development corporation Type A would absorb the responsibility of Type B, according to a previous report by Community Impact Newspaper.

Approving the Crime Control and Prevention District would allow tax dollars to potentially go toward a proposed police and court facility; hiring more police officers; or police equipment, technology and vehicle replacement, among other things, according to city documents.

The ballot will also have three home-rule charter amendments that will allow Roanoke residents to determine certain rules and duties of the mayor and City Council, according to the city’s website.

Proposition A, which will be called “Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem” on the ballot, will allow the mayor to vote on all matters that come before the council, according to the city.

Proposition B, which will be called “Vacancies, Forfeiture and Filling of Vacancies” on the ballot, would allow the council to vote one of its members into the role of mayor, should the role be left vacant with less than a year left of the term.

Proposition C, which will have the same name on the ballot as Amendment B, states that should a City Council position be vacant with less than a year left on its term, the remaining members are allowed to appoint an individual outside of the council to assume that role.

The election will take place on May 7. The last day to register to vote is April 7. Early voting will take place April 26-May 3.

For more on the Crime Control and Prevention District, click here. For information on all ballot items, click here.