Learn more about the candidates running for KISD Place 1 Trustee ahead of the May 3 general election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the question provided without attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Scott Bruce

Experience: Experienced leader in strategic planning, financial oversight, and stakeholder collaboration to drive positive outcomes.

Occupation: Vice President of Account Management at Assurant

Candidate Website: www.scottbruce4change.com

Contact Information: 817-937-5066

Why are you running for office?

I am running to strengthen transparency, ensure fiscal responsibility, and improve educational outcomes in Keller ISD. I believe in empowering students, supporting teachers, and engaging parents to build a district that prioritizes academic excellence, responsible spending, and community trust, ensuring every child has the tools needed for lifelong success.

What are the biggest challenges facing the school district?

Keller ISD faces financial challenges due to inadequate state funding and rising costs, impacting teacher retention, student resources, and facility improvements. Additionally, balancing academic excellence with evolving educational needs while maintaining community trust and transparency remains critical. Ensuring all students receive a high-quality education despite these constraints is a challenge.

How do you plan to address these issues?

I will lead with transparency, unite the community through open dialogue, and rebuild trust by prioritizing student success and responsible decision-making. By fostering collaboration among educators, parents, and leaders, I will advocate for strategic solutions that ensure financial stability, academic excellence, and a strong, united Keller ISD for future generations.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

I will address Keller ISD’s budget challenges by exploring creative solutions and proven best practices from successful districts nationwide to maximize resources and reduce costs. I will prioritize retaining teachers, strengthening academic programs, and fostering open communication with parents, educators, and the community to build trust and ensure student success.

Marissa Bryce

Experience: PTA Board Member/Committee Chair

Occupation: Homemaker

Candidate Website: www.ElectMarissa.com

Contact Information: 817-841-9934

Why are you running for office?

I believe a calm, truthful voice is needed amid confusion—and I can be that voice. The district supports my children; now I aim to give back by building opportunities and quality education for all. Trustworthy leadership is essential, and I am committed to earning that trust.

What are the biggest challenges facing the school district?

Trust is lacking at every level—from the board to staff, teachers, students, parents, and the community. Budget and finance challenges, combined with an unhealthy work environment for teachers and staff, further compound the issues.

How do you plan to address these issues?

I want to build trust through open communication between schools, families, and the community. I’ll prioritize fiscally responsible budgets, find efficiencies, and advocate for the funding our schools need. Supporting teachers with essential resources and a positive work environment will help ensure every student receives a strong, focused education.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

If elected, I'll prioritize enhancing parental rights, ensuring fiscal responsibility, and fostering clear, compassionate communication among all stakeholders. Drawing on my experience in education committees and conflict resolution, I'll work to build a supportive, transparent environment that cultivates trust, accountability, and success in our education system.

Randy Campbell

Experience: Citizens Bond Advisory Committee; 32 years KISD; 2 children graduated KISD; 27 years YMCA Board

Occupation: retired pilot

Candidate Website: www.randyforkisd.com

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for office?

I am running for Place 1 to put the emphasis back on education and make our kids the priority. I have lived here for 32 years, and both of my children graduated from Keller ISD. It’s time to unite our school district for the benefit of ALL the kids.

What are the biggest challenges facing the school district?

Teacher retention is our biggest challenge. Without good teachers, education suffers. The Board has lost the trust of citizens. We must restore integrity to the Board. 5 current Trustees are attempting to split the district without a referendum. Our Financial Integrity Rating is 70. 69 is failure.

How do you plan to address these issues?

We can show these professional educators the respect they deserve, and allow them to do their jobs. We can restore transparency and accountability to the actions of the Board. We must take the actions required to maintain the solvency of KISD. We can and must put the kids first.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Teacher retention. Without professional educators, we don’t have quality schools. Restoring trust, accountability, and transparency to the Board of Trustees. Single-member voting districts to give fair representation to all communities. Stopping the split and keeping Keller ISD united.