The Northwest ISD board of trustees approved two additional Texas Association of School Boards advocacy resolutions on June 10, adding to seven previously approved resolutions. If adopted by TASB, it could guide the organization’s responses on issues that arise in the 89th Legislature.

The details

According to district documents, the two additional resolutions the board approved address the following items:
  • Fast-growth allotment
  • Improving the process and timeline associated with the receipt of certified property values and the mandated approval of school district budgets
A closer look

According to district documents, NISD staff recommended the board approve the fast-growth allotment because fast-growth school districts face unique planning, organizational and financial challenges due to changes in the state’s school funding formula and new mandates.

District documents state the late arrival of certified property values forces school boards to make budget decisions without sufficient time to thoroughly review or understand its revenue. By better aligning the timeline for receiving certified property values with the budget adoption deadline, it would allow school districts to develop more precise budgets and make better informed decisions that foster transparency, accountability and better educational outcomes.

Quote of note

“I think we put together a pretty good slate [of resolutions] this year, so hopefully that will gain some traction at the delegate assembly,” Superintendent Mark Foust said.