The backstory
According to district documents, the instructional calendar is developed to meet the teaching and learning needs of students and staff every year.
School districts must provide 75,600 operational minutes in order to receive full average daily attendance funding, according to the Texas Education Agency. Average daily attendance is the sum of attendance counts divided by the days of instruction.
The details
During her presentation to the board during their regular meeting on Dec. 11, Jennifer Price, assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, reminded board members that she presented a preliminary calendar at November’s board meeting. Since that board meeting, she and her staff met with several stakeholder groups, including a student group—called the Superintendent’s Cabinet—to help produce a final version that staff could recommend to the board.
Price said that after hearing feedback from these groups, staff made one change to the preliminary calendar:
- Changing Oct. 11 from an elementary school conference day to a teacher conference day for all teachers across the district
“Our high school students said that they would like a day where they could have a conference day with teachers where [they] could show [their] parents the great things [they're] doing in school,” Price said.
A closer look
According to a district news release, other important dates of note include the following:
- Aug. 14, 2024 - first day of school
- Oct. 14-18, 2024: fall break
- Nov. 5, 2024: student holiday for Election Day
- Nov. 25-29, 2024: Thanksgiving break
- Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 6, 2025: winter break
- March 17-21, 2025: spring break
- May 22, 2025: last day of school
- Aug. 31-Sept. 2
- Jan. 18-20
- Feb. 15-17
- March 18-April 21 (four-day student weekend; three-day employee weekend)