As part of their efforts to plan for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 instructional calendars, Northwest ISD officials are asking the public for help.

The details

According to a Northwest ISD news release, there are two options, and whatever option is selected for 2024-25 will continue through to the 2025-26 calendar.

Both calendar options feature the same Aug. 14, 2024, start date as well as the same breaks for winter and spring breaks, the news release states. The spring break date was chosen in alignment with Tarrant County College, the district’s primary dual-credit course partner, for instructional purposes.

According to the news release, neighboring school districts have stated that they will use the same dates for spring break.

What you need to know

The news release stated that the differences between the two calendars are as follows:
  • Option A: Thanksgiving break would last the entire week for students. Staff may use flex days on the Monday and Tuesday of the break. This option most closely mirrors the current 2023-24 calendar.
  • Option B: Thanksgiving break would occur Wednesday to Friday to allow for an earlier start date for summer break, which would be May 21, 2025. The last day of the current school year is May 24, 2024.
The news release has a link to complete the survey. A district Facebook post states that surveys must be completed by 5 p.m. Dec. 6.