The Northwest ISD board of trustees signed a municipal service agreement with the city of Fort Worth, which is the next step in annexing 18.5 acres of land for a new Gene Pike Middle School.

The school board ratified the annexation during the Aug. 8 meeting. During the Oct. 17 meeting, the city finalized a written agreement signed by the school describing the services that will be provided on the property that is in Fort Worth’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.

The school district needed the land to be annexed to receive a building permit to start construction of the new school.

The municipal services include fire, police, emergency medical services, stormwater utility, transportation and public works, water and wastewater services, and solid waste services from the city of Fort Worth.

The existing Pike Middle School opened in 1993 as Northwest Middle School. It was converted to a high school building in 1999 and then went back to a middle school this year.

The new Gene Pike Middle School—named after a former NISD principal—is slated to open in 2024, according to district officials.

The property is located south of the existing middle school on Texan Drive west of Blue Mound Road and south of Hwy. 114, according to the memo. The site is also part of a larger 256-acre district complex that includes Northwest High School, the stadium, the aquatic center, the administration building and other facilities.

A final guaranteed maximum price for Pike Middle School, Chisholm Trail Middle School and Medlin Middle School was also approved in the meeting for $89.7 million. The latter two middle schools will have more than $469,000 in renovations planned. NISD’s board approved change orders that dropped the cost from $93 million.