Keller ISD’s proposed $315 million bond program passed with about 53.5% of the vote, according to unofficial Nov. 5 election results.

Bond funding will pay for 11 projects that came from the district’s long-range facilities plan:
  • Districtwide safety and security upgrades: $19,679,692;
  • Districtwide mechanical and life cycle upgrades: $30,800,715;
  • Districtwide technology upgrades: $24,328,980;
  • Florence Elementary School replacement: $30,091,373;
  • Heritage Elementary School replacement: $30,091,373;
  • Parkview Elementary School replacement: $33,521,597;
  • Whitley Road Elementary School replacement: $32,328,758;
  • Fossil Hill Middle School additions and renovations:- $18,321,041;
  • Keller Middle School additions and renovations : $25,414,950;
  • Indoor extracurricular program facilities at high schools: $48,626,734; and
  • New industrial trades and agricultural science center: $21,509,217.
These projects were selected by a citizens bond advisory committee.

"We brought together a group of community representatives to create this bond proposal and are excited that the rest of the community showed support for the projects their neighbors and peers selected,” KISD Superintendent Rick Westfall said in a prepared statement.

More than 17,500 of Keller's 113,643 registered voters turned out to decide this issue.

“Our community believes in providing exceptional educational opportunities, and we appreciate its trust and confidence in us as we begin these projects that will impact all of our 42 schools,” Westfall said in his statement. “Now, we begin the design work for our construction projects as well as begin creating the processes for rolling out the updates for safety and security, technology and mechanical systems."

Canvassing to make election results official will take place at the Nov. 18 school board meeting, KISD Communications Coordinator Nicole McCollum said in an email.

More details about each project can be found here.