The latest population estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau provide a breakdown of Tarrant County’s population by age, sex, race and other factors as of July 1, 2019.

Based on census estimates, the population of Tarrant County is trending older and less white. From 2010-19, the county’s total population increased by nearly 300,000 residents, from 1,817,480 to 2,102,515.

During that same time, the population share of Tarrant County residents age 65 and older increased 2.6% from 162,875 residents to 244,511 residents. As of July 1, 2019, Tarrant County residents age 65 and older make up 11.6% of the county’s total population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The increase mirrors similar increases in older population shares of 3.5% in Denton County, 2.3% in Dallas County and 3.5% in Collin County.

At the same time, census estimates indicate the share of non-Hispanic white residents in the Tarrant County has decreased from 51.8% in 2010 to 45.3% in 2019. However, as the total population for the county has increased, so has the total population for each demographic.

As a result, the total number of non-Hispanic white residents has increased overall in Tarrant County from 941,463 residents to 953,162 residents.

Overall, Hispanic residents in Tarrant County represent the demographic with the most growth.

The share of Hispanic residents has increased nearly 3% since 2010 to 29.5% of all Tarrant County residents as of 2019. Census estimates indicate a total of 619,710 Hispanic residents in the county.

In addition, the population shares of Black and Asian residents has increased in Tarrant County since 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The percentage of Black residents in Tarrant County has increased 2.6% to 17.9% of all county residents, and the percentage of Asian residents has increased 1% to 5.8% of all county residents.

According to census estimates, as of July 1, 2019, there are 375,552 Black residents and 122,149 Asian residents within the county.