There are more positive cases of COVID-19 in ZIP code 76248 than in any other Keller-Roanoke-Northeast Fort Worth-area ZIP code.

According to data from Tarrant County Public Health, as of June 8, there have been 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in ZIP code 76248. In comparison, North Fort Worth ZIP code 76244 has the second-highest number of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, with 115.

ZIP codes 76177 and 76262, which have smaller overall populations, also have fewer confirmed cases of COVID-19. North Fort Worth ZIP code 76177 has a total of 27 confirmed cases of COVID-19, while Roanoke ZIP code 76262 has 36.

TCPH officials have confirmed a total of 6,369 cases of COVID-19 in Tarrant County, including 178 deaths and 2,743 patients who have recovered.

According to Denton County Public Health, there have been 1,524 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Denton County, including 34 deaths and 711 patients who have recovered.

For more information on the spread of COVID-19 in Tarrant County, click here. For more information on COVID-19 in Denton County, click here.