At the Roanoke City Council meeting on May 9, council approved new hours for staff members working at city hall.

Previously, city hall staff were available from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Under the new schedule, city hall staff will be available from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m.-noon on Fridays.

Communications and Public Engagement Officer Diane Rice said the human resources team along with the city manager and administration conducted many months of research.

“After tallying the results of an internal employee survey and compiling the information collected from other municipalities with similar schedule changes a recommendation was made to council,” Rice said. “Initially, most staff preferred to work four 10-hour days. But, to best serve both our staff and community, a compromise of four nine-hour days and one four-hour day was agreed upon. The goal is to continue to offer Monday-Friday customer service at city hall while also allowing city hall staff to try out an alternative work schedule.”

Rice said the change will begin the first full week in June. Staff will be surveyed again, and feedback will be obtained from the community after 90 days of the new schedule.

"The city of Roanoke continues to have talented and dedicated employees,” City Manager Cody Petree said. “Our staff offer outstanding customer service to our residents and businesses. We look forward to continuing to serve our community well, while also serving our staff well, by trying a new alternative work schedule."