Council will meet at 6 p.m. in City Hall, 200 Texas St., Fort Worth.
Speakers for the public hearing must be registered no later than two hours before the start of the meeting.
According to a city press release, the city updates its comprehensive plan annually, which guides decision making about the growth and development of Fort Worth. The plan provides a long-term vision for the city, describing strategy, policies, programs and projects. A vote on the plan updates follows the public hearing.
According the press release, changes being considered for the 2023 plan include:
- Updates to the population trends, economic and financial trends chapters to reflect the latest statistical information available;
- New information and data in the land use chapter;
- Minor updates to the introduction, education, police services and public health chapters; and
- Updated maps throughout showing approved annexations and boundary changes.
- Existing plans and studies appendix will add the Botanic Garden master plan, 2023 update; economic development strategic plan, 2022 update; Las Vegas Trail neighborhood transformation plan, 2023; public art plan for 2022 bond program; and Meacham Airport master plan.
- Future land use by sector appendix is updated to show 100-year floodplain locations on vacant land, approved zoning changes, new development plans and opportunities, and existing development patterns unlikely to change.
- Proposed capital improvements appendix will include the adopted fiscal year 2023-2027 five-year capital improvement plan.
- Planned service areas appendix will show 20-year planned service area adjustments and recent annexations. The city has 16 planning sectors.
- Annexation plan, policy and program appendix will reflect changes to the annexation program.