Roanoke City Council voted unanimously Aug. 23 to adopt a fiscal year 2022-23 budget that includes a nearly $25.38 million general fund and a decrease in the property tax rate.

Mayor Carl "Scooter" Gierisch said that the city has had the same property tax rate for the past 25 years. This upcoming fiscal year will be different.

"Good news is we're lowering the tax rate," he said during the meeting.

The new property tax rate is $0.339779 per $100 valuation. That is $0.035341 less than last year's rate of $0.37512 per $100 valuation, according to city documents.

The rate is split into two parts: $0.182348 per $100 valuation for maintenance and operations and $0.157431 per $100 valuation for its debt service fund, documents showed.

City Manager Scott Campbell told council members that the city was able to lower its tax rate because of the estimated increase in property values and strong sales tax revenue. The city's budget will also include 11 new positions, including five in public safety, as well as an updated compensation plan to keep staff salaries competitive, Campbell said.

The city's fiscal year begins Oct. 1.

Figures showing the change in taxable value of properties within the city are not yet available from the Denton Central Appraisal District. Campbell said the city is still waiting for certified numbers, which were supposed to be done in July.

The certification process, which involves all of the taxing entities in Denton County, is set to be completed no later than Sept. 8, according to an email from the appraisal district.

Due to the delays in certification, Roanoke City Council also voted on a resolution at its meeting to disapprove the appraisal district's budget for fiscal year 2022-23. The appraisal district proposed a 17.5% increase in expenses with its budget, according to Campbell. Roanoke joins several other cities and the county in voting against that budget.

Campbell told council members that if enough taxing entities vote to disapprove of the budget, the appraisal district will have to make changes and submit another one.