1. Club Car Wash
The business is located in the Alliance area near the corner of I-35W and Timberland Boulevard and features a variety of membership options, including an unlimited club membership that provides members with unlimited car washes at any location.
- Opened Oct. 30
- 11200 Timberland Blvd., Fort Worth
- www.clubcarwash.com
The business took over the former Kwik Kar Wash location in Keller and offers the following services:
- Car wash services, including monthly wash memberships
- Lube center
- Detail center
- Opened Oct. 25
- 1655 Keller Parkway, Keller
- www.cowboycw.com
The business offers both single washes and unlimited wash plans. Wash choices include:
- Slappy’s ceramic
- Glacier wax
- Arctic foam
- Basic wash
- Opened Nov. 25
- 9073 Tehama Ridge Parkway, Fort Worth
- www.slappyscarwash.com
The business features four different wash packages and unlimited plans for each wash package that pay for themselves in just two washes. All locations offer the following:
- Signature services
- Free vacuums
- Microfiber towels
- Mat cleaners
- Air guns
- Opened Nov. 20
- 13125 N. Beach St., Fort Worth
- www.whitewatercw.com