Colleyville City Council approved a $5.75 million contract for landscaping along SH 26.

The project will span from John McCain Road to Brown Trail and will include hardscaping and landscaping, according to the city.

Some of the plants will include white gaura, black-eyed Susan, lavender cotton, yellow yucca and catmint. In addition, trees throughout the median will include Princeton American elms and cedar elms.

The Fain Group is the contractor that will conduct the work—the same group that constructed the community plaza in front of city hall.

“This package includes the work on our medians and our right of ways, and it's really kind of the core of that beautification effort,” Colleyville Assistant City Manager Adrienne Lothery said at a July 7 meeting.

Mayor Richard Newton complimented staff for keeping the project costs low.

“All the bids came in under the cost estimates, which is rarely true, so that means you did an excellent job,” Newton said at the meeting.

The $38.2 million SH 26 widening project will widen the roadway to three lanes in both directions upon completion.