Phase 1A of the Glade Road project in Colleyville is expected to begin today and take four months to complete. Beginning today, Glade Road will be closed to through traffic west of the Bransford Road intersection for approximately two months while the new bridge is being installed. Phase 1A consists of rebuilding the existing road surface, installing a drainage system, a new bridge west of Bransford Road, and installing sidewalks and trails along both sides of Glade Road within the project limits.

Phase 1A is a part of an almost $17 million plan to reconstruct Glade from the western city limits to Heritage Avenue. The project is broken into five phases of construction over the next 10 years or more.

Phase 1 of the project, between Bransford Road and Manning Drive, will be split into two phases. Phase 1A runs from Bransford to SH 26. Phase 1B runs from SH 26 to Manning. The City Council decided to split the first phase into two sections because right of way is still being acquired for the Phase 1B area.

The remaining portion of Phase 1 will move forward to construction once the city acquires the necessary right of way. Phase 1B includes the realignment of the Bedford Road intersection; a roundabout at Riverwalk Drive; and lowering the elevation of Glade at Bluebonnet Drive to improve visibility, which removes the need for stop signs at this intersection.

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