SH 26 widening

GCS Transportation Updates June SH 26 Phase 2[/caption]

Work on the SH 26 Phase 2 project, which is between John McCain Road and Brown Trail in Colleyville, continues south of Centerpark Drive, including bridge work at the Little Bear Creek bridge and excavation and storm drainage work near Brown. Construction activity throughout the rest of the project will include the placement of a low-profile concrete traffic barrier, excavation along the west side of SH 26 and installation of temporary pavement at various locations. The project consists of the widening of SH 26 from four lanes to six lanes.

Timeline: November 2016-2019 Cost: $38.2 million Funding sources: Texas Department of Transportation

SH 114 widening

GCS Transportation Updates June SH 114 widening[/caption]

Weather permitting, the new westbound lane on SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and FM 1938 is set to open in mid-summer, months ahead of schedule. Crews are currently being scheduled to complete the pavement striping of the traffic lanes, which is necessary for the safety of the traveling public and functionality of the road. This project is a part of a bigger project that will add one lane in each direction, widening the freeway from four to six lanes while also constructing main lanes and an overpass at Parrish Lane for SH 170.

Timeline: October-summer Cost: $24.9 million Funding source: TxDOT

SH 121 expansion

GCS Transportation Updates June SH 121 expansion[/caption]

Workers are continuing concrete pavement work on the southbound main lanes of SH 121.  At the Grapevine Mills Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road bridge area, work has begun on the reconstruction of the entrance ramp that was closed due to work. The project is expanding SH 121 from four lanes to 10 lanes between FM 2499 in Grapevine and the Sam Rayburn Tollway in Lewisville.

Timeline:  March 2014-September 2017 Cost: $58.8 million Funding sources: TxDOT, North Central Texas Council of Governments, federal funds

FM 1938 nearing completion

GCS Transportation Updates June FM 1938 nearing completion[/caption]

At the intersection of FM 1938 and FM 1709 in Southlake, where construction is significantly completed, some closures can still be expected to finish minor work around the perimeter of the intersection. North of the intersection, crews continue to reconstruct the new northbound and southbound lanes, which includes a new retaining wall located along the west side of FM 1938. Construction is also continuing on some of the remaining side streets.

Timeline: April 2015-Summer 2017 Cost: $20.6 million Funding sources: TxDOT; U.S. Department of Transportation; Federal Highway Administration; Tarrant County; cities of Southlake, Trophy Club, Keller, Westlake; NCTCOG