Carroll ISD board of trustees unanimously approved hiring Dr. Jeremy Glenn as the district’s new superintendent Aug. 26. Glenn’s most recent position was as superintendent of Granbury ISD.

Glenn spoke with Community Impact about what attracted him to the district, what's on his to-do list and more.

Why did you decide to pursue a career in education?

I was blessed as a student to be surrounded by incredible teachers and educators who poured themselves into me over the years. As an adult, I was eager to have the opportunity to give back to others by becoming a teacher, then a superintendent.

Explain your background as a superintendent.

I began my career in a small rural district in East Texas and, since then, I’ve had the privilege of serving as superintendent in four school districts.

Why did you accept the CISD superintendent position? In other words, what attracted you to the district?

CISD is the premier district in Texas. It has a proven track record of success ranging from our outstanding, award-winning students to our incredible teaching staff. As a superintendent and dad, I am proud my family is a part of Dragon Nation.

Your last job was superintendent of GISD. Describe how your successes and challenges in that district have helped prepare you to lead CISD.

I enjoyed my time in GISD and was supported by an incredible community. GISD and CISD have a lot in common. Both districts are similar in enrollment size, have diverse populations of students and communities with high expectations for success. In GISD, we dealt with a growing student population and had to be fiscally responsible to ensure our tax dollars were being used wisely to benefit all students. Like most districts in Texas, CISD faces similar financial issues due to an inequitable funding system and large recapture payment. I feel my background in school finance will be especially beneficial in the coming years as Texas navigates this funding crisis.

What are the top three things on your to-do list as the superintendent?

First, to keep our students and staff safe. Second, to improve student outcomes academically and in extracurricular activities and third, to be a good financial steward of district resources.

What are the top three qualities you see in exceptional teachers?

They love their students, are able to motivate and inspire students and have a passion to serve those around them.

When you reflect on your childhood education, what are your favorite memories? Do you feel CISD provides similar experiences?

CISD reminds me a lot of my time in school. It is a special place where students and staff work hard to become the best versions of themselves.

Any other thoughts you’d like to share about your new position?

I am excited to work with an incredible, visionary school board and an elite team of teachers and administrators. Most importantly, Southlake is a community that truly cares about education and the parents here are committed to helping the district succeed.