To address potential budget shortfalls for the 2024-25 fiscal year, Carroll ISD officials have created a budget reduction advisory committee. Community members can volunteer to serve on the committee and the district will begin accepting applications July 22.

The details

CISD board members unanimously approved the formation of the committee to study funding shortfalls in the 2024-25 fiscal year and propose recommendations to better allocate resources to achieve district goals.

David Johnson, assistant superintendent for financial services, said the Texas state legislature had a record surplus during the 88th regular session of $33 billion but didn't pass an increase in public K-12 funding in Texas.

“All districts in Texas are suffering from a shortfall,” said “To think that Texas ranks 42nd in the nation in per student funding and [Carroll ISD] is at the bottom of that, we’ve certainly got some challenges ahead of us.”

According to district documents, the state funding formula has not been changed since 2019, despite record inflation since that time.

“Inflation is anywhere from 18% to 20%,” Johnson said. “To try to operate with 20% less funding is virtually impossible.”

He added that while the district has already taken steps to reduce the 2024-25 fiscal year budget by increasing class sizes, decreasing off periods and decreasing insurance and utility costs, the committee is needed to gain community input from stakeholders regarding potential solutions to the growing budgetary shortfall.

Zooming in

District documents state that the committee will be comprised of approximately 20 members of the community along with board members, principals and other district staff members. Its objective is to present the Carroll ISD board of trustees with the following information:
  • A prioritized list of budget reductions
  • Options to increase revenue
  • A holistic approach to facility efficiency & maintenance
  • Competitive compensation for all staff
Applications to serve on the committee will be available on July 22 and close on Aug. 9.