Carroll ISD Superintendent Lane Ledbetter announced his plans to retire in a community email April 26.

Ledbetter’s retirement will go into effect Dec. 31, according to the email. The board of trustees approved the retirement at an April 29 board meeting.

“The decision was not made lightly, but after considerable thought, my wife and I firmly believe that now is the right time for me to transition into retirement while seeking new opportunities to continue contribution to the field of education,” Ledbetter said in the email.

The background

Ledbetter was approved as the district’s superintendent in December 2020, marking a return to the place where he began in education. He started as a CISD student in the third grade and later graduated with the Carroll High School Class of 1989.

Ledbetter has 31 years of total experience in education, more than 10 of which were spent serving as a superintendent at various districts, according to district documents.

“Serving Carroll ISD, a district that holds a special place in my heart as my alma mater, has been an honor, and I will forever cherish the opportunity to give back to the community that has done so much for me and my family," he said.

Ledbetter said he couldn't ask for a better school board to work with that love the district and love the kids in the community. While he will miss his time in the district, Ledbetter said that his retirement will be an opportunity to bring someone in who's "aligned and engaged with what's happening." The district could see a new superintendent at the beginning of or early next school year, he said.

Going forward

Ledbetter said he is committed to serving CISD over the next few months and working closely with the board to ensure a smooth transition.

The board has a big hole to fill and it takes that role seriously, Board President Cameron Bryan said. While the board doesn't feel like Ledbetter's retirement is the best for the district it recognized it was the right decision for Ledbetter and his family, Bryan said.

"We have not selected a replacement for Dr. Ledbetter yet, we are going to immediately post the criteria and what we are looking for and we are confident that we will receive several qualified candidates," Bryan said.

Ledbetter has several months of leave time that he will be using between his last meeting in August until his retirement date in December. The board of trustees intends to hire a superintendent prior to Ledbetter leaving in August, Bryan said. The board will also do more to celebrate Ledbetter's tenure at his last meeting.

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to each member of the board, our faculty and staff, as well as the entire Dragon Community,” Ledbetter said.