Before starting her business, Madeline Ricci said she wanted to uplift women to be their best selves in a place that has not always made them feel welcomed: the gym.

“I was noticing the same theme everywhere I went,” Ricci said. “[Women] didn’t know how to feel empowered to do something other than just walking on the treadmill—not to mention that they didn’t feel comfortable or confident in that environment. ... So I decided to do something about that.”

She launched The Hook, a Grapevine-based fitness studio for women, in December 2017. It was an entirely new industry for Ricci, who had previously worked in real estate.

Ricci sought the advice of professionals to help find the right equipment and develop exercises.

“I would say this is a very innovative place that empowers women to just get out of their comfort zone,” she said. “The reward is that they become strong and lean, and they just find another side to them[selves].”

Clients can schedule and book classes through a mobile app, The Hook - Texas.

Instructors lead workouts that incorporate boxing and kickboxing. The Hook also offers specialty classes. These programs help participants tone muscles and improve strength as well as boost confidence, Ricci said. Positive affirmations are posted in the studio to help inspire women in a healthy setting.

“We deserve a safe and welcoming gym environment free from body shaming or bashing of any kind,” Ricci said.

Although the coaches provide guidance on proper form, Ricci said gym members also help each other.

“So many friendships have grown out of this environment,” Ricci said. “We have a great community.”

The Hook

2140 Hall Johnson Road, Grapevine


Hours: class schedules may differ weekly