Balance is the key word when patients come to see chiropractors Pam and Jud Kendall at their practice, Kendall Acupuncture and Chiropractic in Southlake. “When you find balance, I just think you can find your optimum self,” Pam said. “We really want [this practice] to be about holistic healing, the whole body, the whole self.” If a person is experiencing health issues, it is difficult to successfully thrive in other aspects of his or her life, whether that is family, work or social, she said. “Chiropractic is adjusting the spine back in alignment, so you reduce the stress on the nervous system,” Jud said. “When you tune up the nervous system, everything gets to run a little more efficiently.” Many patients typically visit the Kendalls to seek pain relief, but Jud said his approach is to look beyond the initial discomfort for an underlying cause. The Kendalls also have several patients who are expectant mothers. Pam is certified in the Webster Technique, which is used to readjust the lower spinal column in the pelvic area to improve or correct fetal positions. It is a gentle and noninvasive technique used to provide relief, Pam said. Other patients come for acupuncture treatments. Jud holds a diplomate in acupuncture, which certifies he has completed specialized training. Acupuncture is considered a practice of traditional Chinese medicine, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. It typically involves inserting thin needles through the skin to stimulate specific points on the body. Some studies have shown it can alleviate pain. Acupuncture is about finding a balance in the body’s energies and their flow. Some patients appear skeptical, but they have experienced real results, Jud said. As part of their work to promote balance, the Kendalls plan to open a retreat in Sunset, Texas, where clients can meditate, learn about health and wellness, practice mindfulness and unplug from daily life. “It’s about checking out to check back in,” Jud said. Kendall Acupuncture and Chiropractic 190 S. Peytonville Ave., Ste. 140, Southlake 817-488-6888 Hours: Mon., Thu., Fri. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., 3-6 p.m.; Tue. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Wed. 3-6 p.m.; closed Sat.-Sun.