Elevate Life Church held its first service Jan. 9, 2000. In its 25-year history, the church has grown its congregation and holds two services on Sundays along with a variety of men’s, women’s and children's services.

Elevate Life Church was founded by Keith and Sheila Craft. After meeting with 23 committed individuals in November 1999 who shared the Craft’s dream of starting a church, the group was determined to launch the church on Jan. 9, 2000, said Allie Frysinger, the church’s director of communications, in an email.

Before founding the church, Keith Craft established Team Strike Force, an evangelistic group that combined feats of strength with the gospel, in 1987. Over 28 years the group reached more than 4.25 million students across 5,000 schools.

The church’s 25th anniversary will be celebrated with special services on Jan. 12 at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. A special family-friendly event will be held at 6 p.m. that evening with Team Strike Force.