After six years of serving its Chinese fares to the Frisco community, Veggie Express is ceasing operations on May 29. The restaurant located at 8200 Stonebrook Parkway, Ste. 110, offers both vegan and meat dining options. The owners of the restaurant cited effects of the coronavirus pandemic as their reason for closing in a statement to customers on Facebook.
“Because of numerous challenges presented over these past few years, we haven't been able to operate our restaurant the way we want to, and our business has suffered because of it,” the owners said.
According to the Veggie Express owners, a new restaurant will soon occupy their space, and they encourage their customers to give their food a try.
“We hope that those of you interested in the kind of cuisine they'll be serving will go and check them out,” the owners said in the Facebook statement. “Thank you all so much for all of the support you've given us these six years. We wouldn't be here without all of you.”