City leadership in Frisco have set key benchmarks to accomplish in 2022.

Frisco City Council members Feb. 11 debuted 10 top priorities for the year to conclude their annual winter work session. Council members for two days heard updates from several city departments. Discussion ranged from transportation projects, future city parks and more as the city prepares for years ahead without retiring City Manager George Purefoy.

Below are the top 10 priorities in unranked order:
  1. Master planning of Grand Park
  2. Performing arts center
  3. Frisco reinvestment - assets
  4. World Cup 2026
  5. Trail connectivity
  6. Tourism
  7. Downtown entertainment destination
  8. PGA
  9. Leadership/change management
  10. Employee attraction, retention and engagement
New priorities on the annual goal list included promoting Frisco as the “Modern Home of Golf” to coincide with the upcoming PGA of America headquarters. Preparation for Purefoy’s retirement June 30 and the recruitment of employees for all city departments were also top of mind for council members.

Many of the priorities were carried over from the 2021 top 10 priority list, including the ongoing discussion on what amenities should be included at Grand Park, which will be located west of Dallas North Tollway and north of Stonebrook Parkway.

In addition, the city will seek to continue proceedings for the $67 million performing arts center in collaboration with Frisco ISD and Hall Group. Council members also spoke at length during the two-day session regarding the future of The Rail District as an entertainment hot spot.

Mayor Jeff Cheney praised Purefoy as he concluded the last winter work session with Frisco’s first city manager, and Cheney urged council members to consider “what happens” July 1.

“Part of having these discussions, and some of them are uncomfortable, about change, ... it’s been really healthy to do that,” Cheney said. “This is probably going to be one of those challenging years as a leadership team as we set up the city for success.”