Faced with Grace is a nonprofit offering programs to help women in the workforce and launched Feb. 15.

The details

The purpose of Faced with Grace is to empower women in the workforce dealing with a toxic work environment through mentorship and leadership development. The organization’s hope is to educate and promote change to eliminate toxic workplaces.

Faced with Grace offers one-on-one mentorship, team leadership sessions or a chance for women to get advice on their resume or help look their best before facing a job interview. A portion of money donated to the nonprofit will go towards American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, according to a post on Facebook.

What else?

The nonprofit will have mostly online programs while growing.

“In its infancy it will likely remain mostly virtual,” said founder Kaitlyn Rios. “However as we grow I absolutely plan on doing community outreach projects to local high schools [and] churches as well as hosting fundraising events for the organization. Little Joe’s Farmstead [in Argyle] will likely serve as an initial meetup point for most things, keeping an open mind as we grow.”

They also have a virtual community round table event on the third Thursday of every month, starting Feb. 23.