Learn more about the candidates for Place 7 on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees.

What to know

Last May election, LISD transitioned to a hybrid election system where trustee places 1 through 5 became single-member districts, and places 6 and 7 became at-large. The change to single-member districts means only residents in the corresponding geographical area can vote for members running for the respective place. The places that are at-large can be voted on irrespective of a voter’s area of residence.

The last day to register to vote is April 3 and early voting will take place April 22-29. Election Day is May 3. LISD uses Denton County Elections Office locations and Tarrant County Elections Office locations.

Community Impact surveyed candidates prior to the election. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words. Answers may have been edited to comply with word count guidelines or for style and clarity.

An asterisk denotes the incumbent.

Ryan Echols

Experience: LISD graduate, community advocate, budget and operations professional, varied paid and volunteer financial oversight experience.

Occupation: Policy & Ops. Sr. Manager at a citizen empowerment nonprofit

Candidate Website: EcholsForLISD.com

Why are you running for office?

I'm running for school board because LISD needs leaders who listen and make thoughtful, long term decisions. Issues have been misdiagnosed and mishandled, creating more challenges. I hadn’t planned to run, but when no one stepped up, I did - to give the community a voice and ensure district sustainability.

What are the biggest challenges facing the district?

While budget deficits and declining enrollment pose significant challenges, the real issue is the lack of a sustainable plan to address them. Solutions lie in community-driven ideas, collective ingenuity, and investment in student success. Until the board truly considers community input, these problems will persist and grow.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

My focus is on transparency, smart financial planning, and strengthening LISD for the long term. I believe in listening to parents, teachers, and students to make informed decisions. Instead of reactionary choices, we should build on our successes, attract new families, support educators, and ensure LISD remains strong and competitive.

What are some new ideas or programs you would like LISD to explore?

LISD could consider expanding programs like dual-credit, STEM, and vocational training, as well as strengthening financial literacy and civics education. Finding ways to better support teachers and improve community engagement through transparency and open dialogue I believe will also help ensure long-term success for students, families, and educators.

Why should I vote for you if I were in your district?

LISD deserves leadership that truly listens, makes thoughtful, long-term decisions, and prioritizes transparency. We must build on success, plan strategically for the future, and ensure students, parents, and teachers have a real voice. That’s the approach I want, and if you do too, I humbly ask for your vote.

Sheila Taylor*

Experience: Three-year incumbent LISD School Board Member, LISD Board Secretary, Chair, LISD Audit Committee & Superintendent Evaluation Committee, LISD Program and Budget Review Committee and Army Veteran

Occupation: CPA

Why are you running for office?

To continue to ensure students receive the best possible education and the resources they need to be successful. To continue to advocate for our students, our teachers, and public education in general and provide financial management that ensures the longevity of this amazing district for generations to come.

What are the biggest challenges facing the district?

No increase to the basic allotment since 2019 which has us doing more with less. Teacher satisfaction and retention and student academic achievement are two other areas we continue to be laser-focused on.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

My top priorities are continued financial management, continued advocacy for an increase to the basic allotment, student achievement and teacher retention/satisfaction.

What are some new ideas or programs you would like LISD to explore?

Expansion of our career and technical education options. As college becomes less and less affordable for students without taking on loans, the ability to learn a trade is a wonderful opportunity and alternative. Creating a mobile food pantry and establishing an arts magnet school are also goals.

Why should I vote for you if I were in your district?

Because of my proven leadership, my experience, track record, financial management, and advocacy. I have a heart for kids, and I show up for them and this district EVERY DAY. I proudly stand on my record which can be seen in past board meetings at www.lisd.net.