Learn about the candidates running for Argyle mayor in the upcoming May 3 election.

April 3 is the last day to register to vote and early voting begins April 22 and ends April 29.

Candidates were asked to keep responses within 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. For more election coverage, go to www.communityimpact.com/voter-guide.

Ronald Schmidt

Experience: 8 years council, 3 years Mayor Pro Tem, 2 years Municipal Development District, Institutional knowledge, Understanding Government, Academic and Professional

Occupation: Professor

Candidate Website: schmidt4argyle.com

Why are you running for office?

With the 8 years of experience as a council member, including 3 as Mayor Pro Tem I’m best qualified. I also believe that both my professional and academic background will serve Argyle best. Most important it’s the trust that I have built over these years with my colleagues and citizens.

What are the biggest challenges facing Argyle?

Creating a unified vision for Argyle’s future. Roads and traffic. Finalizing the already planned commercial along Hwy I-35, and other major roadways and continue to attract the most desirable commercial. Capital improvements like road repairs and new police department and staffing to best serve the citizens. Strategic relationship with Argyle ISD.

How do you plan to address these issues?

Unifying all of Argyle in a common vision and providing leadership and institutional knowledge to the 5 voting members and staff. Creating a long-term financial and capital improvements plan. Working with staff and council to develop the most effective staff structure. Transparent and effective leadership and open communication with citizens.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Finalizing the commercial development currently being planned. Planning of the new police station so it can move forward. Develop a staffing structure to best serve Argyle. Create a long-term financial outlook to help the town plan. Traffic, roads and drainage. Never forget who elected me and who I serve.

Chad Sheddy

Experience: Candidate did not respond to request for comment.

Occupation: Retired

Contact Information: Candidate did not respond to request for comment.

1: Why are you running for office?

Candidate did not respond to request for comment.

What are the biggest challenges facing Argyle?

Candidate did not respond to request for comment.

How do you plan to address these issues?

Candidate did not respond to request for comment.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Candidate did not respond to request for comment.