On Tuesday, "#STAARtest" was trending on Twitter and Texans took notice. The tests are administered throughout the year for different subjects and grade levels.McDonald's will be offering free breakfast for students (3rd-8th) & teachers on STAAR test day, March 28 from 5:30 to 10:30 a.m. @leisd pic.twitter.com/mINl8lNFqY
— Lakeview Elementary (@lakeview_leisd) March 27, 2017
#STAARTest As a Texan it does me proud to see this trending. pic.twitter.com/QVDHgZ9rjx
— Enebong Ephraim (@EnebongEphraim) March 28, 2017
This week, standardized tests include fourth- and seventh-grade writing; reading and math for fifth- and eighth-grades, English I and any make-up tests for such subjects. Students at McKinney ISD prepared for the test on Monday.When you're going to have to take the STAAR test on your birthday...
— Eric Donohoo (@EricDonohoo2) March 27, 2017
Students in Celina ISD had a special delivery thanks to a local grocery store.Listening to these partners work out the solution on the scavenger hunt. We rule the math STAAR!! #wilmeth pic.twitter.com/lo0WJFIS7f
— Christine Graham (@aggiegraham) March 27, 2017
And, even teachers and administrators did their best to get their students excited for the test.CMS would like to thank Brookshire's of Celina for providing our students with bottled water during STAAR Testing! pic.twitter.com/5Tj3OGZ7sB
— Celina Middle School (@CMSBobcats) March 27, 2017
The Texas Education Agency delayed test results in 2016 due to online connectivity issues and inaccurate results. TEA fined testing vendor Educational Testing Service $5.7 million and directed the company to invest $15 million into its services, Community Impact Newspaper previously reported. Whatever their feelings on the tests, Twitter users did not hold back. See what others around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex said about this week's STAAR:Yes. One of my bosses - Holly Wheatley - donned a dinosaur costume to get students pumped for STAAR testing tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/8jmrsWXwnz
— Kathy Contreras (@contreraskrcisd) March 27, 2017
#STAARTest Student: Lord please grant me the strength to pass this test, I know I haven't payed attention in class but just help me.
God: pic.twitter.com/QxgyrhpYGm — Braulio Ramirez (@TheyKnowBraulio) March 28, 2017
All our kids getting ready for state testing like... #staar #gse #kprep pic.twitter.com/NGfSC8PtG3
— Education Galaxy (@EducationGalaxy) March 23, 2017
Told my daughter that on her STAAR test - when in doubt choose 'C'. She said, it's an "expository essay". I say she still goes with 'C'.
— Giovanni Capriglione (@VoteGiovanni) March 28, 2017
So basically I should be a super sparkly diamond after the STAAR test this week... right?! https://t.co/NBhCGvPVqO
— Meredith Jones (@FalconAP09) March 27, 2017
STAAR test tmrw I got this
— Nia Twitt (@nia_pinkroker7) March 27, 2017
our normal learning environment is bottom pic..room set-up for testing is top pic..hurts my heart @pastors4txkids #STAARTest @DrMarshaFarney pic.twitter.com/9yvlA8WIQa
— Jeff Balderson (@jjbalder) March 27, 2017