As it prepares to become a regional air hub for Amazon, Fort Worth Alliance Airport has received an $8 million grant to minimize the impact of noise on nearby residences. The money was awarded July 9 through the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Improvement Program. According to Christian Childs, the director of aviation operations for Fort Worth Alliance Airport, the funds will be used to continue studying the airport’s noise impact on nearby homes. The study will be especially important as Amazon prepares to add additional daily flights at the airport, Childs said. Some of the funding will be used for sound insulation and noise mitigation measures for residences once the study is complete. “With the addition of the Amazon air hub that will open later this year, our noise signature will increase slightly,” Childs added. “The funds will be available to do a further in-depth study and to fund any needed mitigation needed in that study. “ Alliance Airport’s grant was part of $477 million awarded to 264 airports in 45 states, according to a U.S. Department of Transportation news release. “Infrastructure projects funded by these grants will advance safety, improve travel, generate jobs and provide other economic benefits for local communities,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao said in the release. The city of Fort Worth announced July 2 another $5.5 million grant was awarded to Alliance Airport for a taxiway extension. The money, awarded through the FAA, will be used to build infrastructure needed to handle additional air traffic once Amazon opens an air hub at the airport. Dallas Fort Worth International and Dallas Love Field airports also received grants from USDOT. DFW Airport will receive $28.9 million to construct and rehabilitate taxiways, and Love Field will receive about $2.66 million to reconstruct and rehabilitate a taxiway.