Raj Menon[/caption]
Raj Menon, a marketing consultant, is the incumbent for the Place 5 seat on the Collin College board of trustees.
There are no other candidates running for the Place 5 seat, which is a two-year term. Menon was first appointed to the Place 5 seat by the board in October after the seat sat vacant for about two months after former board member Stacey Anne Arias resigned.
Places 1, 2 and 3 will also appear on the May 6 ballot.
Before the election, Community Impact Newspaper sent Menon a series of questions. His written responses, edited for publication style are below.
1. Why did you decide to run for the Collin College board of trustees?
Education is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful means of improving the life of an individual and the quality of life in a community. This is what Collin College offers. I serve as a trustee because I understand the challenges we face, know what it takes to do the job, have the interpersonal skills and governance experience to serve as well as a passion for improving education and for servant leadership.
2. What experience do you think prepares you for serving on the board?
I received a Master’s degree in engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology and MS, Ph.D., and MBA degrees from The University of Texas at Austin. I have served on the board of trustees of the Medical City Plano and Frisco hospitals, as president of the Plano Symphony Orchestra, on the Leadership Plano executive board, as chair of the Diversity Advisory Committee of Plano ISD as well as various other district and PTA organizations.
3. What issues would you like to do address and how?
One of our most pressing issues is the ability to manage and successfully navigate the huge growth spurt in Collin County. We have to be smart and prudent in our vision for the college to grow in a manner that maintains the high quality of education while keeping costs down. We also have to adapt quickly to rapidly changing demographics, student needs and aspirations, as well as changing and growing workforce demands.
We need to get approval for a [Bachelor of Science in Nursing] program at Collin to address the shortage of nurses in Texas. We also have opportunities to engage more K-12 students and to place them in both well-paying career jobs as well as into 4-year degree programs.
Most importantly, we need to stay nimble and encourage innovation in ways that will keep Collin College on the forefront of higher education and allow it to make a positive economic impact. The job of a Collin College trustee is multifaceted and a challenging one. I think understanding the concepts of good and effective governance, good listening skills, willingness and ability to ask important questions, being a quick learner, strategic thinking, ease with technology and problem-solving abilities are all extremely helpful in this job.
For more information about Menon's campaign, click
Early voting will run April 24-May 2. For polling locations click