Update: Bee Cave Mayor Monty Parker confirmed that the barricade at the low water crossing on Great Divide Drive has been removed, and that as of 4:40 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, cars have been passing over that portion of the road. Original story: Officials have blocked passage at a low water crossing on Great Divide Drive in Bee Cave due to extensive rainfall. After speaking with Bee Cave Police Chief Gary Miller, City Manager Clint Garza said the low water crossing is the only area currently flooded in Bee Cave, but added that motorists must remain cautious. “People need to turn around if they come up on water they’re not comfortable with,” Garza said. “If there is any question about safety then there’s no need to risk it.” Garza added right now officials do not know when the barricades might be removed, but will be updating residents when passage is safe again for people living in the Homestead neighborhood. Homestead resident James Cooke said he is going to get a hotel for the evening after trying unsuccessfully to return to his home. “I know there is definitely more rain in the forecast,” Cooke said. “I left my house at 12:12 p.m. I just took two of my kids out of school, and my goal was to get the kids out of school and back home, but by the time I got back at 1:08 p.m., I was not able to get back into my neighborhood.”