Cedar Park Mayor Matt Powell on Jan. 6 told supporters that he will seek a second term.
"It is really my great honor to serve as the mayor of Cedar Park and I'm happy to announce today that I intend to run for reelection as mayor of Cedar Park," Powell said to applause.
This year's city elections will be on May 10, and the deadline to file the necessary paperwork to run for office is Feb. 28.
A City Council member since 2005, Powell described what he said were city successes within the last ten years. National media such as The Wall Street Journal consider Austin to have come through the global recession better than most cities, with Cedar Park not far behind.
"We're a city that is thriving," he said. "There really aren't a lot of people who have it better than us. We've got a low-tax and low-regulation philosophy."
Powell, a California native and owner of a strategic communications consulting firm, began his City Council membership when he was elected to Place 1. In 2012, he won the mayor's seat, replacing incumbent Mayor Bob Lemon, who did not seek re-election. Powell defeated fellow candidates Eddie Hurst and Wayne Ruark with about 73 percent of the votes.
Lowell Moore, Councilman Place 4, and Jon Lux, Councilman Place 5, also praised Powell's work.
Also attending Powell's campaign kickoff were Corvalent Corporation CEO Ed Trevis, State Rep. Tony Dale, R-Cedar Park, and Precinct 2 Williamson County Commissioner Cynthia Long.
Long said she appreciates Powell's representation of Cedar Park in Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization meetings.
"He is speaking common sense in a place where there's not a lot of common sense going around sometimes in those meetings," Long said.