As part of the 2016 voter-approved mobility bond, the city of Austin is creating a corridor mobility plan for Slaughter Lane between FM 1826 and Vertex Boulevard. A Corridor Mobility Plan is a preliminary engineering report with recommendations to improve safety, mobility and connectivity for all users—including people who drive, walk, bike and take transit. At the end of 2017, the Corridor Program Office wrapped up public engagement efforts for development of the Slaughter Lane Corridor Mobility Plan and finalized recommended improvements. Those recommended improvements were included in the Corridor Program Office’s proposed corridor construction program. In April, City Council approved the proposed corridor construction program moving into design phase, with specific projects for Slaughter Lane and the other eight corridors included to be finalized at the end of April. The final Corridor Mobility Plan Report for Slaughter Lane is expected to be released mid-2018. Construction is expected to begin within two years. Timeline: early 2017- Dec. 2017 (plan development) Report release mid-2018 Cost: $510,000 Funding source: 2016 Mobility Bond