An increase of brush and debris caused by inclement weather and strong winds has led the city of Sunset Valley to urge its residents to arrange for curbside brush pickup. This Thursday and next, Sept. 7, the city's public works crew will collect brush from residential curbsides and turn it into mulch, according to Environmental Services Manager Carolyn Meredith. Residents seeking to have brush removed can call 512-891-9103 to be placed on the city's brush-chipping list, Meredith said. The order of removal is first come, first served; however, Meredith said eventually the city will make an effort to comprehensively remove all brush from the streets of Sunset Valley. "It's good to call and get your names on the list, but eventually we will pick up all of the brush," she said. Fallen trees on private property have been called in, Meredith said, however, no significant damage has been reported thus far. If citizens encounter a tree problem within 10 feet of an electrical line, the city said to contact Austin Energy at 512-494-9400 for assistance.