Work is underway to improve safety and mobility for eastbound and westbound Convict Hill Road by adding intersection and signal improvements to the intersection of Convict Hill and Escarpment Boulevard. The project should be completed by March.


The environmental study and design phase for a transportation project to rebuild FM 1626 in Travis County has been completed. The county is acquiring right of way, which consists of multiple parcels of land and will take about 18 months. The project will rebuild FM 1626 from Brodie Lane to Manchaca Road, widening it from a two-lane road to a four-lane highway with a continuous center left-turn lane as well as shoulders, curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Calls for construction bids will go out in August. The project is slated for completion by summer 2019.

The project to widen Frate Barker Road to a total of five lanes east of Hewitt Lane to Manchaca Road and a three-lane section from east of Brodie Lane to Hewitt is behind schedule. Construction resumed after a utility relocation delay and is moving forward, weather permitting. Work should be completed by October.

A project team is refining two build alternatives for the Oak Hill Parkway study to bring long-term traffic relief to the intersection of Hwy. 71 and Hwy. 290. A no-build alternative is also under consideration. No new workshops have been scheduled. The environmental study is slated for completion by late 2017 or early 2018.