In our Transportation Updates section we provide the current timelines and descriptions for local ongoing transportation efforts in the Southwest Austin area.
Ongoing Projects
Manchaca Road and Slaughter Lane[/caption]
Design is underway on a city of Austin project to add safety features at Manchaca Road and Slaughter Lane. Safety improvements are coming to the intersection in Southwest Austin after the city of Austin ranked it the
sixth most dangerous intersection in the city in 2015.
Timeline: October 2015-fall 2016 (design), spring 2017 (construction)
MoPac at La Crosse Ave. and Slaughter Lane[/caption]
Improvements are planned for Loop 1 at the intersections of Slaughter Lane and La Crosse Avenue to alleviate congestion. A diverging diamond intersection will be added at Slaughter, and a traditional diamond intersection will be added at La Crosse.
Timeline: Start date May 2017, timeline subject to change because of pending lawsuit
Hwy. 290 and Hwy. 71 in Southwest Austin[/caption]
A project team is refining two build alternatives for the Oak Hill Parkway study to bring long-term traffic relief to the intersection of Hwy. 71 and Hwy. 290. A no-build alternative is also under consideration. No
new workshops have been scheduled.
Timeline: Environmental study expected to be complete in late 2017, early 2018
Loop 360 and Walsh Tarlton Lane[/caption]
Since Feb. 1 work has been in progress to add extended entrance/exit lanes on Loop 360 to improve intersections with Walsh Tarlton Lane, the Barton Creek Square Mall entrance, Loop 1 and the intersection just south of Loop 1. A left-turn lane will also be added on the Loop 1 frontage road at Loop 360.
Timeline: Spring 2016-spring 2017
South Lamar Boulevard from Treadwell Street to the Brodie Oaks shopping center.[/caption]
The city of Austin is working to complete an adaptive signal control pilot project, which will test traffic signals on South Lamar Boulevard from Treadwell Street to the Brodie Oaks shopping center.
Timeline: Spring 2015-TBD
News or questions about these or other local transportation projects? Email us at
[email protected].