Austin ISD's Renae Hernandez, a first-grade teacher at Oak Hill Elementary School, is a top 10 finalist in the competition to win the Rather Prize, or $10,000 awarded to an educator, student or school with the best idea of how to improve education in Texas.
First-grade Oak Hill Elementary School teacher Renae Hernandez is in the running to win the Rather Prize.[/caption]
Hernandez's idea involves the implementation of a program called "Blast" for kindergarten through second grade students. Using Blast, educators can attend phonics-based literacy training to learn how to teach the structure of words and sounds to students through using physical and verbal cues as well as learning letters. According to the Rather Prize website, the goal of the the Blast program is to "increase literacy and improve instruction among varied levels of learners."
"I'm ecstatic to be a finalist for the Rather Prize," Hernandez said. "Over 200 ideas were submitted and I am honored to have been chosen as having one of the top 10 best ideas to help improve Texas education."
Newsman Dan Rather and his grandson Martin created the prize in 2015 as a way to reform education by identifying and implementing courageous local-level ideas from educators and students.
Through a rigorous selection process, Hernandez's idea was chosen from a pool of applicants to move onto the final level, which opens the voting process to the public. The winner will be announced during the education segment of South by Southwest Conferences & Festivals, SXSWedu.
Cast your vote here.