Travis County commissioners heard a number of presentations and project updates Tuesday morning leading to a lengthy afternoon of action items to still be attended to. Here are three things to know from the April 24 meeting:
  1. Travis County will participate in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 28. The county’s constables will team up with the Drug Enforcement Agency to take in prescription drugs from area residents to safely dispose of expired, unused and unwanted prospection drugs. The free service will take place in all five county constable precincts. Drop-offs are completely anonymous with no questions asked.
  2. The county will move forward on a comprehensive housing market study that will help identify a long-term plan for meeting Travis County’s housing needs and will provide data on existing housing stock and identify gaps in the market and will include projections of future demographic and housing growth. The study will likely be complete by March 2019.
  3. The county accepted a grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to construct a trail segment on the Onion Creek Greenway, located in Southeast Travis County. The trail segment will include a trail-head, trail signs and 3,000 feet of hike and bike trails. The project grant is for $200,000 and the county is required to match 20 percent of it, or $50,000. Commissioners approved the grant funding floating monies from the 2011 bond proceeds for the Onion Creek Open Space Parkland.