The Barn Work is underway to turn a property at Brodie and Country White lanes into a pub and multivendor food operation.[/caption] Site work has been underway since the beginning of August on The Barn, located at 6218 Brodie Lane and 3505 Country White Lane in Sunset Valley. Dennis and Anita Dunn first opened The Barn, which has housed food trailers and events, in 2014. On July 7, 2015, Sunset Valley City Council unanimously voted to approve a final site plan and permits for The Barn at Brodie Lane, which includes the work now underway to transform an existing house, carport, pool and shed on the property into a pub and multivendor food operation, with construction including the addition of an entry drive, a parking lot, walkways, and a re-irrigation and stormwater detention pond. A final completion date for construction has not yet been determined. “We’re hoping to open by Christmas, but construction always takes longer than you think,” Anita Dunn said. Work on adding a fire line, which will deliver water and fire protection to Country White Lane, is finishing up, she said. Exterior walls of The Pub at The Barn have been restored, and electrical work should begin soon. Next steps also include adding the detention pond and parking lot, and once that is complete the food court can get up and running again, Dunn said. One Airstream trailer, flAir Style Lounge, remains open on the property, Dunn said. More information about the business is available on its Facebook page.