Austin Water customers across all nine of the utility’s pressure zones are currently either without water or have low water pressure, according to a map the utility district released at 8 a.m. Feb 19 illustrating regional outages.

According to the latest update by Austin Water, the district is working to bring its water storage up from 32 million gallons to 100 million gallons, which will allow it to maintain a healthy water system. Data by the utility shows storage has been under 100 million gallons since Feb. 15 and reached a low of less than 12 million gallons stored at the end of the day Feb. 17 before starting to rebound.

Water usage in Austin peaked midday Feb. 17 but has decreased over the past 36 hours. Austin Water continues to ask residents to conserve water while crews repair water main breaks and leaks in the water system. Water main breaks can be reported to the utility here.

“It's going to be a multiday process to restore pressure and service and then clear the system for use," Austin Water Director Greg Meszaros said Feb. 18. “For customers who don’t have water, it's better to plan for worse conditions—days without water, rather than hours. We would encourage customers to take whatever steps they can to try to work through a multiday outage.”

On Feb. 18, Austin Water said its three water treatment plants are operating, and its priority is restoring water service to Austin-area hospitals.

Austin Water customers are also still under a boil-water notice. The notice directs residents to boil water collected from pipes and faucets for at least two minutes and then to cool water before using it to drink or cook. Austin Water will update residents when the boil-water notice is lifted.