Nonprofit organization Friends of the Dripping Springs Community Library will host the 13th annual Pouring Over Books event, which will benefit the Dripping Springs Community Library, on Feb. 25 from 3-6 p.m.

The gist

This year’s event will feature a book signing from Texan author Mark Pryor, live music, refreshments and an auction. All donations will be matched by an anonymous donor.

The online auction is live now, and participants can bid on over 50 items donated by local sponsors.

The background

DSCL is not a city-run library and instead has a board of trustees. It is one of only 15 library districts in Texas, meaning property taxes or any funding from the city or county doesn’t go to the library. Instead, the library’s operating expenses are funded by sales tax revenue in the district borders.

Library officials are currently running a fundraising campaign, Beyond Books, with a goal to raise $5 million for a loan to build a new, larger facility. The current facility is no longer large enough to accommodate the community, said campaign manager Sarah Rose.

Rose will give a presentation Feb. 25 about the new facility, which will be located adjacent to the existing property at the end of Benney Lane, a cul-de-sac off Mighty Tiger Trail. At 37,000 square feet, the new facility will be four times the size of the current facility.

What’s next?

Tickets to Pouring Over Books are available online.
  • Feb. 25, 3-6 p.m.
  • $75
  • Prospect House, 12745 Silver Creek Road, Dripping Springs