Next week, Dripping Springs City Council will vote to approve an operations budget and to set a tax rate for fiscal year 2020-21.

As presented at a public hearing Aug. 11, Dripping Springs' overall budget is balanced, including $7.6 million in both revenue and expenditures across its city operations budget, parks budget and fund to support the city's annual Founders Day celebration. The budget is also based on maintaining the current tax rate of $0.19 per $100 valuation, which would generate $1.59 million in revenue for the fiscal year.

The city operations budget in particular—which is funded primarily through taxes and covers city expenses such as salaries, operations and maintenance—outlines $7.18 million in projected revenue and $7.06 million in expenditures for FY 2020-21.

City Treasurer Gina Gillis said FY 2020-21 budget expenditures are highlighted by transportation infrastructure development and improvements. An estimated $367,000 is earmarked for major improvement projects outlined in the city’s transportation master plan as well as traffic relief. The budget also includes $175,000 for various road maintenance projects to address local wear and tear, and an estimated $250,000 for the city’s street commitment plan.

Gillis said the city budget also includes $172,000 for public park improvements and $100,000 for the construction of a new public bathroom in downtown Dripping Springs, which will benefit the shoppers and pedestrians who walk along Mercer Street.

“I think we are in a position of strength moving into this fiscal year and providing services to the citizens,” she said.

City Council approved an ordinance enacting the proposed budget Aug. 11 but postponed an official vote to ratify the budget and tax rate until its next meeting, Aug. 18, due to an issue advertising the public hearing prior to the meeting.